Big Brother RenPy APK Download [v1.05 – Fix 3] Overview:
Yes, it’s “Big Brother” again and yes, it’s me again. I understand that there is a lot of hype around this game and several fan sequels and remakes have been created, too many for one game. But still, this port should be here.
The purpose of this port is to transfer the entire story from the original game (Big Brother v0.13.0.007) developed by Dark Silver to Ren’Py. Thus, giving the opportunity to play not only to owners of PCs, but also phones (Android)
Stage 1: A complete port of the original game. Done. The Lisa and Olivia branch connects (no dead-end branch). No new updates on the path without Eric (see my last game)
Stage 2: Creating new content on the fake friendship path with Eric. In progress…
Game Updated: 2023-09-29
Developer: PornGodNoob Discord
Censored: No
Category: Sexy Adult Games
Version: 1.05 – Fix 3
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: Русский, English (Original + DeepL)
Big Brother RenPy Game Tags
Animated: Only in Mods with Eric
Big Brother RenPy Changelog [v1.05 – Fix 3] :
v1.05 – Fix 3
Innovations and additions: • NTR Path. New events added. • Achievements. NTR Path. Added 18 new achievements. • Sex Videos. NTR Path. Added 3 new videos • Walkthrough. Added additional hints where they were needed. • Achievements. Added page memorization when playing an achievement • Android. Added virtual keyboard. It will now be possible to change the main character's name and name saves • Saves. Added slot numbers, to make it easier to find the right save file (the first digit is the page, the second digit is the slot number). • Skip Days. A skip days feature has been added, but it is still "test", meaning I can't guarantee that the game will work properly. Therefore, this feature is only available for now on the NTR path and if you have played at least 100 game days. Changes and fixes: • NTR Path. Increased the chance for the night event with Lisa if achievements with numbers unlocked are not: 160 и 161 • Weed. "Weed" branch events are now mandatory for progression in "Cunning plan". • Mentor. Changed the sequence of events and is now linked to "Control" at a certain location • Shopping. Replaced variables that cause errors after loading a save Translation: • Added unofficial translations to other languages. I have no affiliation with these translators, their translations were added to the game without their permission. • German translation added. Game version - 1.04. Translator frankieboy06 • Added Spanish translation. Game version 1.04. Translator Messiah666 • Added translation into Italian. Game version 1.04. Translator paokon
Developer Notes:
Warning! On the first page, in the first post I do not distribute links to cheats or scripts to open the galleries and the like. These links are periodically added by moderators. So, if you will use third-party mods, use something to cheat, in the case of errors, write to the authors of mods, cheats. If you write here, I will add you to ignore, if in Discord, then I will give you there ban. Do not waste my time figuring out the reason, which will be to use third-party and non-original scripts. Using or discussing cheating deprives you of my support. Внимание! На первой странице, в первом посту я не распространяю ссылки на читы или скрипты для открытия галерей и тому подобное. Эти ссылки периодически добавляют модераторы. Так что, если вы будете использовать сторонние моды, использовать что-то для обмана, то в случаи ошибок, пишите авторам модов, читов. Если напишите здесь, я вас добавлю в игнор, если в Discord, то я вам там выдам бан. Не тратьте моё время на выяснение причины, которая будет являться в использовании сторонних и неоригинальных скриптов. Использование или обсуждение обмана лишает вас моей поддержки.
Changelog Patch: №3 • Fixed navigation in the save screen №2 • Fixed conditions for advancing in "Sacrifice" if strongly advanced in "Control" №1 • Fixed autosave screen • Fixed camera variable if it didn't update for some reason Installation Patch - PC: - search for the folder: Win ".../game", Mac "\Contents\Resources\autorun\game" - replace file scripts.rpa with the downloaded one. If you mess around with all kinds of RPA unpackers, then you understand what you need to do, if not, then it's your problem why the fix doesn't show up as installed.
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Big Brother RenPy Download .exe” to start playing.